The Illinois Division of Early Childhood Sharing A Vision conference invites you to be a sponsor or exhibitor at the 2023 conference. The conference will be held on October 4-6, 2023 at the Embassy Suites in Peoria, Illinois. Early childhood teachers, therapists, and families of young children from across Illinois and neighboring states will convene to learn about and equip themselves with products to nurture the development of those little ones in their care. Administrators and higher education faculty attend to learn about the most current resources and tools to purchase for classrooms, clinics, and centers.
Sharing A Vision, fondly referred to as SAV, speaks to those raising, caring, and guiding the development of all children, birth – age 8 years old, with or without disabilities. Please consider becoming a sponsor and/or purchasing an exhibit space.
Sharing A Vision seeks vendors and exhibitors to meet the needs of early childhood professionals and families. Sharing A Vision reserves the right to deny vendors that do not reflect the missions of IDEC, ISBE, and DHS.
Registration Information
2023 Sponsor/Exhibitor registration is now closed. Please refer to this guide about sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities.
Questions about these opportunities: Email the co-chairs for Sponsors/Exhibitors at